Location Creation (if ever needed)

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Mike R
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Location Creation (if ever needed)

Post by Mike R »

You can print these out using "Print View" found on the drop down menu beside the little wrench to the left.

You will need:
  • Correct address for the location
  • An image of the location to use for the Feature Image
Frankly, the hardest part about this is coming up with the feature image for the location.

Get Started:

Open two tabs:
  • Log into the website and navigate to Events --> Locations page - At the top left click on "Add Event"
  • Open a new tab and go to https://www.google.ca/maps/
Get the location:
  • First, see if Gurgle comes up with the location using just the name. Enter the name into the search window and hit enter. If it does, great! You now have all the information you need in the left hand pane.
  • If not, enter the address you are given, and hit enter. Now look for the location name listed on buildings in the area. If you see it, click the pin for the location, and the information you need is again in the left pane
  • If not, this is the best you can do, and it's time to create an image
Create the Image:
  • On google maps, drag the little dude at bottom left into the map and drop it where you want to be.
  • Navigate around until you are looking at an image of your location that you think will be familiar to all. Generally, the front doors are a good start.
  • Take a screenshot - sorry, but you'll have to figure out how on your own. Every device is different.
  • Save this to a location you can find later.
Edit the Image:
  • Open this image in Paint, GIMP, or whatever image editor you have and crop it to a rectangular size no wider than 500 pixels.
  • Save the cropped image as the location name - eg. Alberta_Hospital.jpg so it is searchable later.
  • You're done! You now have an image to use when filling out the location page.
Now, on the Event Location Page - fill in the details
  • At the top, enter the location name
  • Below that provide extra details for parking etc.. pertinent to that location
  • Under "Where" (for the map), enter the address information Google provided in the left pane of the Google map tab
  • Don't forget the postal code *the more info Google has the better the map *
  • I place the Province under "Region"
  • The system should pull up a map as you do this - if not, something is wrong with your address format
  • Click on "Set Feature Image"
  • Drag/Drop or Select the image you worked so hard on and wait for it to upload
  • Click "Set Feature Image"
  • That is it! To the right, click on either "Save Draft" or "Publish"
Review your location:
  • Click on "View Post"
  • Edit, alter, or add whatever is out of place
  • Click save
Your new location is now stored, and will now pop up when you enter the name into "Where" of an Event page!
You Wouldn't Believe How Hard I Have to Work to be Lazy
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