Two Gunz

This is what she looked like once upon a time as I came through the states.  Aside from a few blemishes, an excellent find.

This is the damage from being hit by a motorcycle, which is terrible because I ride myself… but what do you do when they pass you going uphill into a blind curve and you we’re just looking to U-turn?  It’s not really what you’re expecting…

She’s taken a few other unappreciated beatings here and there.  Belize comes to mind, where a boulder that passed for part of the road launched me a few feet into the air.  Otherwise tough as nails, we’ll see what she looks like now as I am set to return to Panama after several years away.  I hear she gathered another dent or two over the years…  and to think, I had this entire car apart in my garage at one point.  From seat belts to steering column.

next page –> The Birth of TwoGunz