Servings Prep Time
4people 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4people 20minutes
Cook Time
Fajita Mix
  1. Add oil to wok on medium heat. Slice onion and celery, add to the wok, and stir. Add water to prevent browning as needed until onions are translucent, then lift lid and boil off excess water.
  2. Add peppers. and mushrooms, and cover for a few minutes to heat.
  3. Add Creole seasoning to diced raw chicken, mix to coat evenly, then add to wok being sure to separate pieces so they don’t stick together.
  4. Heat until chicken is cooked, then add Fajita mix, water, and stir.
  5. Simmer uncovered until the desired consistency is reached. About 10 minutes.
Optional Improvements
  1. Place scented rice, grated cheese, and Fajita mix into a wrap, and add to your favourite panini press. Close the lid and sear for 3 minutes.
  2. Remove, put some salsa and sour cream in a ramekin, and you have a meal!
Recipe Notes

The fajita mix can be used several ways. The above method is simply my current favourite, as the panini press seals the ends of the wrap, making it easy to handle.