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Event Creation (if ever needed)

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:10 pm
by Mike R
If your event is in a new location - stop - and do that first. Refer to the Create New Location topic for help.

Event Creation
You will need:
  • All the pertinent information
  • Either the e-mail sent from the Event Checklist form, or
  • E-mail from the committee member developing the event
Getting Started:
  • Log into the site and on the dashboard navigate to Events --> Add Event
  • Open the e-mail you have with all the relevant information
Filling in Some Details:
  • At the top of the New Event page, enter a title for the event. Eg. C.A.L.M Class - So and So H.S.
  • Underneath that, enter all the pertinent details about the event. With any luck you can c/p much of this information from your e-mail, but this is the section where you get to "talk" to the speakers, so I have tried to be personable here, but relevant
  • To the right, under "When" fill in the date and times - fairly straight forward here
  • You can skip the "Event Tags" section as I have never used it
  • Scroll down to "Event Categories" and check all those that apply. ("Hosted Events" are booths at roundups and conventions and also qualify as "PI".) DO NOT SKIP this as these tags are needed for the monthly post to work.
  • Below that click on "Set Feature Image" and select the image for that location
  • Click "Set Feature Image" again.
  • You've done a lot of work now, so....

Save your Draft :D :lol: The button is up and to the right.

Filling in the rest on the left:
  • I do not use the "Attributes", "Author", or "Excerpts" categories, so you can skip those altogether.
  • In the "Where" category click the tab and a menu appears
  • In the "Location Name" field type in the name of your location
  • If you have already set up your location, the name will appear below as you type
  • Click on the name, the fields will populate, and you are done here.
  • Click the tab above again to close that menu
  • Save draft again if you wish.
Here is where you create each type of ticket needed for the event. Follow closely and all will work. :!:
  • Place a check beside "Enable registrations for this event" and a new menu appears
  • Below the words "Standard Ticket" click the "Edit" button, and In the menu that appears...
  • Beside "Name", delete the words "Standard Ticket" and put the ticket type you want to create there - "CPC" "PI" or "Shadow"
  • Beside "Description" finish this sentence "The speaker booking this event is going to ..." So, for example finish with "deliver the CPC presentation" or "speak as the Public Information presenter" in the box there
  • In the "Price" box put 2.00 for a "CPC" ticket, 1.00 for a "PI" ticket, and 0.00 for a "Shadow" ticket - don't questions why, just do it.... :mrgreen: I'll explain later***
  • Beside "Spaces" enter the number of presenter required for each position - no more, no less
  • In both the "At Least" and "At Most" boxes place a "1", and no more
  • If the "Available From" and "Available To" fields are not empty, clear them
  • Leave the "Required" check box empty
  • Beside "Available for" select "Logged in Users" - a "Restrict To" menu then appears
  • Leave all these boxes empty
  • Click "Close Ticket Editor"
  • The fields will collapse, and you can move on to your next type of ticket.
  • You can click "Save Draft" over on the right if you want, and if everything with your ticket is OK, the little square beside the ticket will be green
Repeat this process for every ticket:
  • Click "Add New Ticket" and repeat the steps above for each ticket type needed for your event
  • "Save Draft" as often as needed
  • Once done with ticket creation move on to "Event Options"
  • Leave both "Total Spaces" and "Maximum Spaces per Booking" unchecked
  • The "Booking Cut-Off Date" should match the date of your event (gets filled in automatically when doing "When" above)
  • Click "Save Draft" one last time (hopefully)
  • Now, go over all your details, and if satisfied, click "Publish".
  • After you hit publish, at the top look for "View Post" and click it to see what it looks like "in the wild".
  • Edit whatever might need editing
You are Done!
This got easier and easier every time I did it, finding new more efficient ways to go about it. You will have to find your own method, of course, as the learning is only ever in the doing.

*** Ticket prices are the only way you, as SC. are able to tell which type of event a speaker has booked when looking at "bookings" on the dashboard. This is a limitation of the "freeware" that Event Manager is, but for what it can do for free, it is such a minor complaint that it seems not worth mentioning. ***