Active Backup for Business - Linux

Things that make it go whrrrrr
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Mike R
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Active Backup for Business - Linux

Post by Mike R »

To manually start a backup on a linux machine the command line tool has to be started and the SSL certificate has to still be the same as when it was last run.
I fuk around enought to change the certificate regularly, so the tool will say it's connected when it's not - dunno why, don't care.
To reconnect, open a terminal and type:

Code: Select all

sudo abb-cli -r
Now you should see a green "connected" dot next to the server on your NAS page.
Click on the server under the "Linux" tab, then on the "tasks" tab select the corresponding task, and the "backup" button should now be active.
Click and wait for the whirriing to stop.

Other tags from the help list:

Code: Select all

	-c, --connect
		connect to the server
	-r, --reload
		reload connection
	-l, --logout
		logout from server
	-s, --status
		show server status
	-v, --version
		show agent version
	-h, --help
		show help

	-a --address
		server address
	-u --username
		username for authentication
	-p --password
		password for authentication
	-q --quiet
		quiet mode, only output error message
		server proxy address
		server proxy port
		server proxy username
		server proxy password
Info link --> ... de_Linux/4
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