Mate DE on Raspberry PI OS

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Mike R
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Mate DE on Raspberry PI OS

Post by Mike R »

I'm probably going to continue calliing it Raspian for a while yet, but meh....

This is the link that got me most of the way there --> ... weaks.html
First, get your install up to date.

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sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
As he puts it, here's my edited 'magic on liner'

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sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment mate-desktop-environment-extras mate-session-manager mate-themes mate-screensaver mate-power-manager mate-indicator-applet mate-indicator-applet-common mate-tweak dconf-editor mate-menu
That line installs all the requirements to get you where you need including the advanced menu I love so much.
Then, edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

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sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf 
In the "seat" area, edit, uncomment, or otherwise make the entries below happen:

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Reboot and you should see a different desktop.
if so....
Add Advanced Menu, System Monitor and Window List to panel, switch it from top to bottom, and then delete the existing one on the bottom.
Add theme by dragging Sweet Dark folder from NAS (Mike R/themes/Sweet Dark) into hidden .themes folder under /home/biffboffo
Open menu/appearance and Sweet Dark should appear. Select it. Reboot. Menu should change colors.
Install a utilities: Variety, Telegram-desktop, Keepassxc, KDEConnect

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sudo apt install variety telegram-desktop keepassxc kdeconnect
I had to download vivaldi from their site - vivaldi-stable-6.5xxx_arm64.deb
Open terminal in the download directory and run:

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sudo apt install ./vivaldi-stable-blabla
Set up Sync, then theme, calendar, mail accts.
Finally install Kodi and Timeshift

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sudo apt install kodi timeshift
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