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Fixing Mate

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:17 pm
by Mike R
fixing Kodi --- again....
following advice form DarkSky on the Manjaro forum --> ... g/149938/6
Going to take a bit to get to square one.
First, begin with a squeaky install of Manjarao-Mate...
Enable the AUR repository in Add/Remove programs (probably a way to do this in terminal).
Then update

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sudo pacman -Syu
Install a few utilities...

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sudo pacman -S keepassxc telegram-desktop keepassxc gnome-keyring seahorse
add as needed
Change to the testing branch - link -->
To change back replace 'testing' with 'stable'

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sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch 'testing'
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syu
Now at square one:

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kodi-rpi-git-dev kodi-rpi-git-eventclients kodi-rpi-git-tools-texturepacker
results in massive # of 403 errors - fail
return to 'stable' branch
Execute above again - Sucess!!
Creating system user accounts
group 'kodi" with GID 966
User 'kodi' with uid 966 and gid 966
add/edit few lines of /boot/config.txt

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start kodi -version 21! damn... what can of worms have I opened now???
start avahi-daemon

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sudo systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service
download a few test source files from NAS...
Season 6 Wings... whatever...
No joy..
tried 'kodi-standalone'
still no joy..
Remove kodi and related packages.

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sudo pacman -Ruu kodi-rpi-git kodi-rpi-git-dev kodi-rpi-git-eventclients kodi-rpi-git-tools-texturepacker
remove directory

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sudo rm -r /home/biffboffo/.kodi
change channels

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sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch 'testing'
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syu[
reinstall kodi packages

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sudo pacman -S kodi-rpi-git kodi-rpi-git-dev kodi-rpi-git-eventclients kodi-rpi-git-tools-texturepacker
Note in the output requirement to add :

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include kodi.config.txt
to the /boot/config.txt file, and reboot.
Not sure if [all] is required or not. Limited understanding of code here...
no joy.. tried standalone.. no joy
sudo nano added [all] to /boot/config.txt
no joy...
remove git and go regular...

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sudo pacman -S  kodi-rpi kodi-rpi-dev kodi-rpi
Nothing works. Nada.
Moving onto the unstable branch to see what's available.