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Build Manjaro-mate on SD card for Rasperry Pi

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:28 pm
by Mike R
This is a summary of the creation of manjaro sd cards.

Be sure to get an SD card with the U3 symbol on it or it will be too slow.
Preferrably 32G or 64G
Use Raspberry Imager to write to sd card. Remove and put into the PI

Go through all the regular setup proceedures using auto-login.

Change background.

Set up Network Shares

Add/Remove Software
Activate the AUR repository
Update the repositories to get local mirrors
Install initial updates

fakeroot <-- first and reboot
mate-common and reboot
Seahorse and seahorse-caja (need to modify PKGBUILD with 'aarch64') and reboot

In a terminal, start the avahi-daemon.service permanently with:
sudo systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service

Open caja and navigate to network shares to create keyring

Dail it In

Telegram-desktop, Vivaldi-stable, Kodi, KDEConnect (main, sms, and indicator), mate-menu (advanced menu), Keepassxc, and vivaldi-widevine (add 'aarch64' to PKGBUILD)
Don't configure KDEConnect or Telegram-desktop prior to rip.

Delete lower panel, move top to bottom, add mate-menu and delete the sprawling mess of the other
Add weather and configure

Popup Notifications:
Change to Coco at bottom right

Change to 1080 (Kodi looks like crap at 720)

Change to 20 min
Uncheck lock screen

Keyboard shortcuts:
Under Desktop: Add Ctl+Alt+t for terminal

Enable tiling, compositing manager

Mate Tweak:
Turn off windows annimations
Enable window snapping

Change default to list view
Show hidden files

Change preferred applications to apply.

Join the domain by editing:
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf -- insert "DOMAIN_NAME" to first line

Start Kodi to write .kodi file. Turn off automatice updates
Delete entire (hidden) .kodi file found under /home/'username' and replace with one from NAS
Don't bother trying via network... slow AF. Transfer with the SD card in an adapter on the tower.
Start Kodi for test...

Dial in Sync and prefs, don't forget to delete default shortcuts.

Open and associate with account.
Set prefs.

Locate database on network share and double-click (puts it in recents).
Tools/Settings/Browser Integration - check Vivaldi

*Each device will need dialing in according to viewing preferences at location.*

That's it for now!