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Synology RT6600AX

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:20 pm
by Mike R
RT2600AC as mesh node?

Jun 28, 2022
I've updated my RT6600AX to 1.3.1 along with my RT2600AC. I did a factory reset and initial setup of my RT2600. I have it connected to my 6600 lan port going to my 2600 wan port. I can confirm I can access the internet from the 2600. I however cannot get the 2600 to be identified as a wi-fi node to set up a mesh network. Do I need to put the 2600 in AP mode or do I need to factory reset it and set it up as a node before I do the ds setup procedure?

Jun 28, 2022
For anyone who stumbles across this. Do a factory reset of the 2600 and do NOT do the initial setup just connect it and run the setup to add the wi-fi point.

Eric Akmentins @ericdsa
Jun 28, 2022
That was my experience as well.