Kodi Shares

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Mike R
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Kodi Shares

Post by Mike R »

To get SMB working on Twomah i had to enable a lower minimum SMB protocol under Advanced Settings.

File Services
Advanced settings under SMB

Fuck what a fight that was....

and didn't end...
Check permissions under groups to be sure the new user is included in the admin, http, and other relative groups.
It is working now, but I can't pinpoint what specifically I changed to get it to work. So there's that. :evil:
You Wouldn't Believe How Hard I Have to Work to be Lazy
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Mike R
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Re: Kodi Shares

Post by Mike R »

This goes along with how to edit the php database - useful syntax if it is ever needed but there are just too many cross-references in the entire Kodi database to get this to work successfully. Additionally, Kodi seems to save some of this information on the local installation which is either hidden or indecipherable to me at this time. Maybe later.
So, a successful migration seems to be getting the settings set properly for the shares to be accessible, scanning in the database at the new location., and then manually adding the history to it one show at a time..
A drag, yes... but it's either that or continue banging my head against imponderables.

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'oldurl.com', 'newurl.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'oldurl.com','newurl.com');UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'oldurl.com', 'newurl.com'); UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'oldurl.com','newurl.com')

I extrapolated the command below from the one above which was used to edit the tables in the wordpress database.

phpMyAdmin will give you hints as you type in the commands.

UPDATE path SET strPath = REPLACE(strPath, '', '');

So the above command tells it to update the table "path" by performing a 'replace' function in the strPath column. Within the brackets is the specific information to change within that column.

Need to also update:
episode table column 'c18'
movie table column c22

Goal: Migrate Kodi, and its shared library, to a new server on my home network.
Stuck At: Importing 'lastPlayed" values from the old database into the new one.

I have continued to use the old Kodi install as I setup the new one, so "lastPlayed" continues to change.
On the new server, I've copied media, added new, renamed folders, and removed mistakes so the structure is similar.... still different.

Regardless, I have Kodi setup and running on the new server, scanned in the new library with the changes, and it is all up and running smoothly at this point. yay.

All that is left is to import "lastPlayed" data from the old "files" table into the new one, but this is where I have little knowledge.
On the 'files' table in phpMyAdmin, I'm hoping there is way to export the data from "strFilename" and "lastPlayed" and then import it onto the new table, matching and replacing "NULL" with the corresponding values.

The value "strFilename" remains the same on both databases, so me thinks this should work, but the commands???
Export as CSV? Import find/replace? Sooo totally lost here.
You Wouldn't Believe How Hard I Have to Work to be Lazy
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