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Migrating this site to the new server

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:24 pm
by Mike R
Importing Wordpress:

Helpful links:

Wordpress Database ... hpmyadmin/

Execute query:

Enter the following SQL query:

UPDATE wp\_options SET option\_value = replace(option\_value, '', '') WHERE option\_name = 'home' OR option\_name = 'siteurl';UPDATE wp\_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');UPDATE wp\_posts SET post\_content = replace(post\_content, '', ''); UPDATE wp\_postmeta SET meta\_value = replace(meta\_value,'','');

Replace with your current WordPress address and with your new WordPress address

Your table prefix might not be wp\_. See the correct table prefix on the left panel of phpMyAdmin, and update the SQL query

Press Go. You will see success messages along with the number of changed rows. Note that the number of rows will be different for each WordPress website.

1. Ensure the current installation is up to date, with no outstanding issues.

2. On the current server, locate the "wp-config.php" file, open it in a text editor. Take note of the database name, user, and password from within that file and save it for later.

3. Open phpMyAdmin on the old server and export the database found in the above file to a familiar location.

4. On the old server open WebStation. On the Virtual Host tab, highlight the host and click edit. Take note of the backend server and php version for late.

5. On the new server, create a folder for the WP installation to reside in. Give it the same name as the one on the the old server.

6. Transfer the entire contents of the folder pn the old server into the folder on the new server. In my case it was named "/whatsittoya".

7. Install phpMyAdmin on the new server.

8. Open phpMyAdmin and create a username and database with the same information found in 'wp-config.php' on the old server. Click on the new database name and then import the database you saved earlier to it.

9. On the new server, open WebStation. Under Virtual Host click 'Create' and give the new site its name, point it to the folder you created for it, and select the same backend server and php version as the existing install.

10. Now, your files are in place, your server is pointing to the right location, your database is in place and what is left it to make changes to the database with the new domain name.

11. On the new server open phpMyAdmin and select the database you created.

12. On the top select the "Query" button and copy and paste this into the window below:

Code: Select all

UPDATE wp\_options SET option\_value = replace(option\_value, '', '') WHERE option\_name = 'home' OR option\_name = 'siteurl';UPDATE wp\_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');UPDATE wp\_posts SET post\_content = replace(post\_content, '', ''); UPDATE wp\_postmeta SET meta\_value = replace(meta\_value,'','')

13. Edit the instructions replacing and with the correct information.
Ensure it is correct. There are four instances to change. This will edit a few tables within your database with the new information.

14. Now, point a browser at your new domain and test to see if it all worked. Your new site should come up with the new url, all internal links should have changed, and joy will spread across the land.

Forum: ... ?t=2458271

1. Begin by making sure your current installation is up to date

2. Make a backup of your current installation. It lands in the /store folder of the current installation. Even thought it looks like cat scratch... DON'T rename it

3. Download the zip package from their server

4. Unzip it on local computer into a folder

5. Name the folder whatever you want it called on the server

6. Turn on FTP on the local server and connect via filezill

7. Transfer the entire folder to the location desired on the local sever

8. Copy and paste the contents of the /styles folder from the old location to the new location (excluding the /prosilver and /all folders) to get the themes installed at the other location

9. Copy and paste the backup from the /store folder on the current installation into the same folder on the new installation

10. Open up phpMyAdmin on the new server and create a new user and database with all privileges

11. Point a browser to the install folder within the uploaded folder ie. and run the installer

12. If transferring from another location create the same Admin name and password (for board access), otherwise create new

13. Enter in the credentials of the newly created phpMyAdmin database and go through the rest of the installation process

14. If transferring from another domain, you need to edit the 'phpbb\_config' table in phpMyAdmin using the new domain information. There are about 4 entries to change

15. Delete the /install folder from the new installation

16. Point your browser to the forum folder again, and you should now see your forum. Log in and then log into the ACP

17. Go to the Maintenance tab and select the restore option on the left

18. Select the backup you transferred from the other installation and install it

19. BAM! Your board should be up and running with themes and logins as it was on the other site

20. Do the victory dance