Notes for Linux 20 and Win7 installation

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Mike R
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Notes for Linux 20 and Win7 installation

Post by Mike R »

This will be a post that I will work on for some time.
Looking for steps along the way.
Mistakes made.
Software installed and order doing it.
What went wrong and how it was fixed.


Use Rufus to burn the ISO
Unplug other drives from motherboard to avoid rebooting into wrong OS during installations.
The ISO 'loads windows' then a 3-4 minute wait until the installation screen appears.
Straight forward from there, be sure the LAN line is removed until you want to install updates.

When it reboots, remove the USB stick the ISO is on, and the rest is done locally.
Install Acronis and backup the install.
Now run updates - runs for a long time, high CPU, but finally comes in two bunches.175 or so at first then more later.
Install updates, reboot, then backup again with Acronis.

Run updates again and install the second batch. Then the next.
Run Windows updates until there are no more, then backup the installation again with Acronis.

Get the printer installed. Instructions are on the NAS. Install it locally via USB first, then on the network.
Install time resync batch file.
Install Mikes Curser - drag foldier into Windows/Cursers then Control Panel and Mouse
Add Quick Launch toolbar to taskbar. --> %AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
Reboot and backup.

Now some software:
  • 7Zip
  • Adobe
  • Image Resizer
  • Keepass
  • Thunderbird and associated profiles. There are instructions on the NAS
  • TeamViewer
  • Vivaldi-snapshot
  • WindDirStat
Reboot and backup.

More software:
  • Blackberry Blend
  • Filezilla
  • SuMo
  • Notepad++
  • Putty
  • Rufus (put in folder)
  • VLC
  • |WireShark
Reboot and backup.

Now some firmware:
  • Soundblaster drivers - there is order to this
  • Java - latest download
  • Logitech Mouse
  • Video Drivers
  • Motherboard Drivers
Then tweaks:
  • Setup Tumah shortcut
  • Desktop CPU gadget
  • Mouse speed
  • Add items to hosts file - Windows/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts
  • Screensaver
  • Desktop Backgrounds - import folder from NAS
  • Multiple Desktops via CCC
  • Set stystem sounds
There are extensive notes on the NAS for the difficulties encountered along the way, with the printer being the naggin' bitch of the pile.
That is miles along the way, anything else at this point would be idiosyncrasies specific to a new installation.
You Wouldn't Believe How Hard I Have to Work to be Lazy
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