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Create New User (if ever needed)

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:17 pm
by Mike R
Create new user procedure: edited Apr 15, 2018

What you need first..

  • Open up Keepass
  • get contact e-mail and name and last initial
  • Open up wordpress side of site
  • Open up forum side of site.
  • Log into both as administrator.

In Keepass:

Open up new key entry for Keepass under appropriate tab:
  • title: username full
  • username: username full
  • password: use a random word generator (internet) to generate a three-word PW then c/p into Add New User page
  • if it complains of a weak password, ignore.
  • Notes: Add all user information here available. Of good use are phone number, e-mail address, home group, and age. Also add the date of issue so the age is relevant.

On wordpress "add new user" page enter data:

  • username: username full (without a period)
  • E-mail: create a fake e-mail here using the "username" ***Prevents unwanted notification e-mail being sent to new user. You change this to the correct e-mail in the last step.***
  • First name: first name
  • Last name: last initial
  • website: blank
  • password: click on "show password" then c/p three-word PW from Keepass
  • Role: subscriber (or other appropriate role)
  • Click "Add New User" button move on to next steps

In the forum on the administration control panel:

Go to users and groups tab:
Select ACP Add User:

  • Username: username full
  • E-mail: users proper e-mail
  • Password: c/p three-word password from Keepass twice
  • Groups: select appropriate group
  • Make group default... place check mark
  • Enable new user: click yes if trusted and known to you personally
  • Hit submit

On the following page click "edit user groups for this user".

Add the user to groups that apply (eg. area 78, district 53, PI/CPC committee)
Click submit.

Go back to wordpress "add new user" page:

  • Search for the username just created - click edit
  • Scroll to Email and change temporary E-mail to actual user E-mail
  • Click on Update User
  • Then the system probably sends the new user a e-mail change notification.


Now go to appropriate e-mail account and send the proper invitation using appropriate mail template inserting username and password into the correct feilds.