Finally, an update.
Here are the teasers.
Well, since I have come down the hill, I have spent most of my time at a place called Pension Costa Rica, a hostel with about 45 rooms in it. It is nothing fancy, in fact, it is quite basic. A room with a shower, toilet, and two single beds goes for $6.90/night. It is funny that after all my panning of Costly Rica, I should end up at a hostel of the same name, yet have it be one of the cheaper places in town.
As usual, with this type of setup, there is a constant stream of backpackers and characters from all over coming in and out. Some are so damn interesting you just don’t want to let them out of your sight, and others are downright annoying. You meet them all, but for the most part, there is an interesting bunch here.
On the corner is a little coffee shop that serves breakfast and lunch for $1.50, coffee 25c unless you want milk in it, and it attracts all types as well. Now that I have been here for two weeks, it has become part of my morning routine.
Wake up, have a few cups of coffee, BS with the guys on the corner about yesterday and today, and then go about my day. The tables on the sidewalk is where you can see the daily cast of characters make their rounds.
I wouldn’t normally hang out this long, but for hanging matters in David. Certain things take time here, and there is just no pushing a rope, so I have spent some time just exploring the neighborhood and getting the lay of the land. The longer I am here, the more there is to discover just under the surface, from the good to the bad.
It is a break to be able to get anything you want just within a ten minute walk. The theater here is 2.50 for a new movie; tonights’ feature… National Treasure II. Not bad. Clothes are cheap still, 15 buks for a pair of jeans, 13 for a button up shirt like all the locals wear, and there is a strip of clothing stores 4 blocks long with everything you could ever imagine.
They have finally finished their work on the Parque Central. Two years in the making. It’s nice, with a diamond thingy in the middle that has water jets shooting at it at night, and lights, and nice seating areas… and a camera on every light post. Apparently they did that to chase out all the gays and hookers at night, but it’s getting to be a little bit Orweilian around here. Better head towards the hills.
Two days ago found me at Boca Chica again, except that this time I went all the way down to the dock, parked, and went over to Boca Brava for the day. I went with a few friends I have met from all over, and it was a nice break from the noise of David. Come Thursday, if things aren’t wrapped up here, I will head back there and stay for a few days. The beach we went to had a tiny palapa cantina that sold pop and beer, and that was it. There were only three other people there, 4 monkeys, the German lady running the cantina, and her dog.
We spent a few hours BSing and swimming in the little bay, and then walked over the island, me in bare feet!!!, and visited Franks’ Place. I don’t know that that is what it is called… but that is what everybody was calling it. Rooms are 5-18 buks a night, and range from really nice, to a hammock and a tree, but the restaurant is what makes the deal.
Anything you want, as far a fish goes, right from the sea that day. Right across from this island is GoneFishing, a rather well know sport fishing outfit. You name it, they catch it. The restaurant is perched on the point of the island, about 80 ft up into the breeze, and the view was fantastic (I’ve had to train myself not to say “Awesome” anymore) for about 270 degrees. Funky music and wireless internet round out the whole deal. The internet was 2.50/hr !!! David is 50c, but hey, this is satellite doncha kno.
I finally saw my first piece of property this week. I was all excited because it was under $1/M, and I thought it was in an area with a lot of promise, but it turned out to be just an overgrown pile of rocks, wayyy out in the bush, with a shit road that you would need to spend thousands on to fix. There was no gradient to it let alone running water, so I couldn’t do my hydro project, and the more I thought about it, the less I wanted it. What it did have going for it was that you couldn’t hear a thing out there but Mother Nature doing her job, and the view of the volcano in the background was typical of some of the fantastic views you can get sort of used to out here.
I was a little bummed out after that, saying to myself “A day late and a dollar short.”, but Boca Chica cheered me up so much that I went out foraging again today… and now my head is in a swim.
I went up a few side roads that had been suggested to me by a friend here, and found exactly what I think I am looking for. It also happens to be one of the places that my “real estate” girl is taking me tomorrow. Apparently, it is going for $1.50/M and I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I know that sounds corny, but it sat me down for a while in awe. If I write anything more right now I may jinx it (besides it is almost 3AM), and I hope I can fall asleep now.