First, let me say how glad I am to finally make it here. In my mind, this destination is the period at the end of my sentence. I came here in 2003 for two days and found paradise, and from there began the planning and hard work that has made my return an actuality. It is my opinion that no one who has a job, a week to spare, and the spare change to get here ($650 return to Panama City and $100 return from there by AirPerlas) should pine away in an office and dream about it. No more than $40 buks a day ($25/day @ A/C and cbl. TV)has you fed and housed on an island in paradise. High-speed wireless internet available at Mr.Roberts Restaurant (on the sea).
Ok, the story. As I headed away from Boquete, the road was all twisty-turny like crazy. This “short-cut” to the main highway to Bocas would have been better but for the 7 km of crappy gravel road just before it connected. It was the kind of road that you could only do about 8… no 6 km/hr on and went up, and up, and up…. but… from the top I took this.