Car Problems
Today I was supposed to go down to David and get the insurance for my car. Well, as with everything else Central American, it didn’t turn out like I planned. Only this time I was prepared for it and didn’t let it get to me.
It turns out there is a specific order you have to go do things here, and getting insurance is dead last. This now, is a little bit different than back home.
It seems you have to take the car to a place where they check to make sure that it isn’t stolen or something. They give you a paper.:|
Then you have to go get a mechanical inspection from a certified place, and they give you papers.:-/
Then you go get copies of all your papers>:(, including your passport and importation forms. Once you have that, you go to the place where you get your registration and they take all your papers, create a file for you, and give you a code #. Read more “Car Problems”