Part One
Well, of course I didn’t get it all done.
What did you expect? I managed to get the two inspections done, but that was about it.
I was down at PTH, the Panamanian authority that determines that your car has not been stolen or something. This was an office with two dingy, beat up chairs that you sank to the floor in, a TV to keep you entertained while you wait, and one person running a very busy place. He was equipped with carbon paper, packing tape, the oldest type-writer I have ever seen, and a long pinky nail. You do the math.
They actually rub the carbon paper on your VIN # and lift it with the packing tape, just like a finger print. |-| Hey, whatever works. I actually had the papers done at 10:30 or so, but had to wait until 2 PM to come back…because…he had to wait for the boss to come and put his John Doe on the form. This he told us only after waiting for an hour after the papers were done. Read more “Part One”