Well, I spent my last night in a tent here. After two days at a hotel, my back was getting sore. Believe it or not, the beach is cooler at night than a hotel room with a fan. I could go for A/C, but that would set me back $30/day minimum. It’s not that I don’t have the money; I am not a vagrant here. I just don’t see the use in it. Privacy isn’t a concern for me, at night you can’t see a damn thing anyways, and showering in my shorts is something I have become accustomed to. I pretty much live in shorts now. There is a private shower here when you need, the ocean is 100ft away, and it is considerably quieter than my hotel room of the past few days, not to mention, I have quite a lot more real-estate to call mine. To top it off…1500 Colones a night. Nyuk nyuk…
I spent some time yesterday setting up camp. I leveled out a spot in the sand for the tent, then dug in a flattened log as a porch. This keeps the sand out, y’know. Went into town (there are only two streets here), got a nice hammock (something I have sorely been without), a length of rope at the grocery to hang it, and a book by some dead guy to pine away the hours. It took a little time to put things where they were not in the sun at the proper times of the day, but I have been learning fast. I put a stick in the sand yesterday where it wouldn’t be noticed, and marked the arc of the sun. Some say I think too much… When I am gone, I back the car against a sloping tree so access to the trunk and steering wheel, and everything of value within, is impossible. The only worry is vandals, and there are two security “guards” here.
The morning found me awake before the howler monkeys first call. Monkeys are awake before the roosters, by the way. I made a pot of coffee while scratching my chin over what to do. Camera in hand this time, new hammock, book, water, cigar or two, swimming shorts, and towel, I went back the way I was yesterday, only farther. I figured on reading my book in a hammock down the beach somewhere, and hunger would bring me back before noon.
I found it the same as I did yesterday, only far less people that early in the morning, but made my way to the beach I didn’t have the umph for yesterday. A long stretch of sand, sadly littered with plastic paraphernalia, but flat and rock-less with the tide all the way out. About 1/4 of the way up the beach I eyed this spot. The picture tells that story.
The leaves underneath me are cleared away only to keep me from stepping in the ants that roam underneath them. I didn’t want to at first, being lazy and all, but when you are getting bit… you change your tack.
I remarked to myself this afternoon after returning from brunch, while swinging in my hammock in the shade of mangroves; a light ocean breeze, young bikinis walking past in either direction, iguanas eyeing me on their meander, weird birds fit for the Queens’ hat, squirrels dropping nuts on me, a 100 years old book in hand, and my favorite cigar… “This is perfect.”
How long before I tire of it?
A Few Notes
On the way to the ferry, I stopped for gas and found this. It is safe to say I was green with envy. The roads from Quepos to the port of Puntarenus (I’m not sure if that is how it is spelled) were all good. Just that crappy section between Dominical and Quepos.
Coming across on the ferry towards Peninsula de Nicoya.
This is the little spot of stone towers. I forget what the proper name is for them. It is also at the mouth of that little stream to bathe in.
Do remember that you can click on the pictures to enlarge.