Hamburger Patties
Just a general hamburger recipe that doesn’t suck.
This is our chili recipe which we make up into monstrous size batches and freeze for easy meals later. It is by no means written in stone. This is a base upon which can be added or subtracted, of which the latest edition is from July of ’24.
This is the customary sauce that is used in Gallo Pinto, the traditional dish of Costa Rica. I had to make this myself, as it was unavailable at the stores. Luckily, there was a Mexican store that imports the peppers here locally, as they are a bloody fortune online.
This is a simple casserole that can be thrown together easily. 10 minutes prep and then you wait.
Every cookbook needs a simple pumpkin pie recipe, so here it is. This one came straight out of The Encyclopedia of Creative Cooking. which I inherited from my Mother. Published in 1985 and 800 pages thick, it weighs about 6 pounds! Though I’ll never throw it away, a tablet is a little lighter.
The picture above is what I get when I’m not even trying. Deeeeeelicious!