New Camera
Well, I finally replaced the camera I left in that cab in Panama City. So in honor of this momentous occasion, here are a few pics of what I have been talking about.
Obviously, the first is the tool chest I have made out of the old family TV case, now laden with tools. I wasn’t completely happy with using the present day drawer slider hardware. Old school is much better, as you can pull the drawers farther out, but for the first project after… hmmm…at least ten years, I am satisfied with the results, and oh, the space this thing has freed up! BTW, if you think it was easy getting the spacing to look right on all those tightly fitting drawers, think again! There is a lot more to this little unit than meets the eye.
These are a few of the wind turbine I spent so much time putting together from scratch this year.
There are some pieces missing, of course. The charge controller, battery, shunt load (old space heater), and propellers, but basically, there you have it. Find any method of making that thing spin, and you have power, and plenty of it.
Otherwise, this has just been a test of my new camera and whether this site was going to send me to school again to learn how to post.
Two check marks so far.